The cost of long-distance hiking 💰

One of the probably most asked questions, and with good reason, is about the budget for a long hike like our Norge pÄ langs hike. How did we afford it? What was the cost?

Not many people take their time to really put together a list of ALL expenses from a long trip like this, but we went through our bank account and compiled every single expense - from November the year before we started, when we bought some gear with Norge pĂ„ langs in mind, until the ticket for the journey home, and the body measurement that we did once we were home again. We actually did an “InBody measurement”, which gives you information about how many percent fat and muscles your body consists of, how much you weight, and how it is distributed over the body.

For a full list of all our expenses from our Norge pÄ langs hike, you can go to this link.

Here you can create a filter, and filter the different expenses by different categories.

How to create a filter?
Press ”Data” - “Filter view” - “Create new temporary filter view”. Pick the category you want to see, and at the bottom you will find the total amount for that category.


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