Lukas & Kim

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ERT Day 20

European Road Trip Day 20

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Another chill morning today because we had found a nice place to stay for the night. It was shaded in the morning and we weren't boiled to death so that was nice. We didn't have a lot of breakfast today, but ate what we had. Then we tried to sort out the chaos in the car from yesterday. So we put washing into a bag and sorted out our bags from the alpine climbing course. Made us feel really good about ourselves when we were done!

Then we drove to Offenburg where we parked and walked to a laundromat to do our washing. Worked really well! We waited for a little while, then at 11:30 we went over to a super nice restaurant, Guglhupf Offenburg, just 1-2 minutes away, literally around the corner, where we had some pasta for lunch.

We then started driving towards the meeting point where we were going to meet a friend of Kim. Unfortunately it took longer than the expected two hours of driving because we were stuck in Stau for at least half an hour.

When we arrived at the lake where we were supposed to meet, we hung our washing in the roof of our car while waiting for the friend. The heat was crazy today, and at some points the car said it was as warm as 39 degrees!

So we walked around the lake together, put our stuff down and went inside. Super nice and refreshing for everyone.

We swam around in the lake for a bit, threw GRIS (kastade gris), just threw the ball between each other and then finally went up to go eating after 1,5 hours in the water. During our time in the water, we also saw a turtle!? Super weird. It looked like one of those turtles that people have as pets, so maybe it was someone's pet?

We then went over to the kiosk to have some food. Lukas and I had pizza and some Coca-Cola and mezzo-mix. After that we also ate some cheese cake and apple crumble which were okay, but the pizza was definitely better. We then went back to our spot at the other side of the lake to fetch our stuff, and saw the strangest thing crawling around on the beach. We've never seen something like it, and neither had the other ones around us. Looked like mix between a grasshopper and something else, like a frankenstein insect, and it moved really weirdly and quite quickly too. It looked like it had wings but it didn't seem to use them.

We had a super nice time by the lake, but now it was time to leave. It was already after seven in the evening so it was time to say goodbye, but we had some nice hours together so that was very appreciated.

So Lukas and I started taking down all the washing that was as dry as it possibly could have been after being boiled in the car for four hours. Then we headed southwest towards the border. On the way we managed to find a supermarket where we could buy some breakfast, some snacks and most importantly some pastilles for Lukas really sore throat. Then we drove just out of that town basically and found a parking spot in the forest by some hiking trails.

Start: Schutterwald, Germany

End: Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Germany

Via: Offenburg, Germany

Lake South of Darmstadt, Germany

Drive time: 4 h 36 min

Distance driven: 299 km

Toilet fees: €0

Parking fees: €4.47

Toll: €0

Total drive time: 56 h 12 min

Total distance driven: 3781 km