Lukas & Kim

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ERT Day 9

European Road Trip Day 9

Saturday 9 July 2022

This morning we slept long because we were so insanely tired, but finally we had to wake up because of the heat. While we were in the bed we started to look for an AirBnB, because we wanted somewhere to take a break and relax, while also be able to wash our clothes.

After some time we found a cheap one in Italy, and while Kim tried to double check to see if we could really use the washing machine, Lukas started driving in that direction.

While on our way we got an answer, and when we got there Kim washed our clothes, wrote on the blog and showered. Lukas showered, slept, cleaned the car and made some dinner for us. Everything took a really long time for us though, because both the mobile network and the Wi-Fi was suuuuper slow.

Start: Jesenice, Slovenia

End: Maniago, Italy

Via: Austria

Countries passed: 3 (Slovenia, Austria, Italy)

Drive time: 2 h 45 min

Distance driven: 179 km

Toilet fees: €0

Parking fees: €0

Toll: €7.6

Total drive time: 32 h 15 min

Total distance driven: 2 302 km