Lukas & Kim

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GB Day 10

GB Day 10:


Monday 19 July 2021

We started the morning by sleeping in. We then had a long and nice breakfast and cleaned out the hut. After some fast 7 km on Nordkalottrauta we arrived at the road. It was a shock to us to walk along a marked trail and then see traffic.

On the road we started jabbing asphalt without longer pauses until we reached Abisko mountain station. Which, unfortunately probably gave Kim some blisters under her feet. Then came the next shock - people everywhere! We had only seen 7 people from a distance for the past 10 days.

Then - feast!

We checked in, picked up our depot box, bought some stuff, showered and ate a biiiiig portion of food and then enjoyed having coverage and a power outlet again.


Favourite: The arrival to Abisko

Distance: 19.9 km

Start time: 11:44

End time: 17:27

Ascent: 380 m

Descent: 373 m

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 211 km

Ascent: 5078 m

Descent: 5209 m

Snickers eaten: 9