Lukas & Kim

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GB Day 29

GB Day 29:

North of Vuonatjviken - Jäckvik

Saturday 7 August 2021

Where do we even start? What a day!

The night started less well, Kim had cozied up under Lukas quilt and woke up at one point, not able to breathe (😂). Then she needed to get out on the bog at half past three in the morning to pee. After that we slept on to 6 AM or something. We went up, packed our stuff and went down to Vuonatjviken where we had breakfast on the big pier. Then we went to up to the reception to pay for the boat ride. Just as we pressed the door bell the door flew open and two dogs ran out, followed by a short stout man. We went inside, and saw they sold ice cream, so we of course had to buy some.

We had heard from others that the man driving the boat sometimes could be... Not in the nicest mood when driving people. From the way he spoke and called his dogs, we could understand what they meant. There was something with his tone that made him sound grumpy even though he wasn't.

On the way across we met another couple that we talked to while crossing the lake Riebnes. It took a while to get across, but once over and ready to jump off, we saw another guy wearing an Inreach! It was another Gröna Bandare, Daniel Nord. Later as we continued walking, we walked yo-yo with the couple we had crossed the lake with - Karro and Robban. Both through the forest up to the top of the mountain side, and also over the short stretch without forest, as well as down inside the next forest again. Finally, we decided to walk together instead, and walked on at high speed despite the tough forest terrain. When we got closer to the part where we would have to row across, we met several groups of people. Some of them were wearing Inreaches, but we don't know if they were Gröna Bandare because we never had the chance to ask.

At the row boats, they had to be rowed over several times because we only had one boat at our side of the lake. So Lukas rowed across first together with Robban, then they split up and took a boat each from the other side. Robban also got another hiker with him in his boat, because he just arrived as Robban was going across the lake.

The last time we went across, Robban rowed all of us over and Karro's and Kim's backpack. We then had a short snack break before heading off again. This time we took it easier, but the terrain was easier too. Not long after - because we had a lot of nice conversations together all of us, we reached Jäckvik. We checked in at Kyrkans Fjällgård and also convinced Karro and Robban to stay there.

We were shown our house - a huge house probably twice as big as our little cottage at home, where a girl slept at the loft and we alone in a room in the house. The girl, Annelise, was from Belgium and was almost done walking Kungsleden. We also talked to another girl who was in there to hang out with Annelise, but slept in a tent on the lawn outside. She was Swedish and was walking Kungsleden too.

After all of this we felt ready to explore the supermarket, which was the reason we had hurried to Jäckvik to begin with. But dang, it was tough! So many choices!

Luckily we had made a shopping list ahead of time because we knew going to Ica would be hard for us with all the food. Aaaall the choices.

As we stood and picked vegetables for the taco this evening, Karro and Robban walked into the store. We proposed that we should have a taco feast together in the big house, and they couldn't say no to that 😄

After this we headed back to prepare the food and eat it. And we did, until we couldn't eat more. Still, not long after this we had mud cake and ice cream as well!

Never before have food tasted so good!

We spent the evening together until it was time for them to head back to their tent. We then cleaned a little bit, repacked our backpacks, fretted over all the food we had sent to Kvikkjokk and that we would have even more food in just three hiking days because we would reach Ammarnäs where we had sent another depot box.

This evening we also washed one washing of clothes and had a shower. We also surfed the Internet now when we could, of course.


Favourite: Jäckvik and the people we met today

Distance: 18.5 km

Start time: 07:44

End time: 15:12

Ascent: 480 m

Descent: 602 m

Ice cream eaten: 2

Gröna Bandare spotted: 1

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 576.9 km

Ascent: 13,253 m

Descent: 13,291 m

Tent nights: 24/29

Gröna Bandare spotted: 13

Snickers eaten: 20

Ice cream eaten: 7

They had ice cream in Vuonatjviken!

Robban rowing us across Tjårvekallegiehtje.

Let's get the taco feast starting!

And then dessert!

Tonight we get to sleep in beds again 😱