Lukas & Kim

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GB Day 34

GB Day 34:

Ammarnäs - East of Lill-Aigert

Via Aigert

Thursday 12 August 2021

We woke up by ourselves at Ammarnäs Wärdshus around 8 AM - or at least Lukas did. He went over to give Kim a morning massage and maybe wake her up, but she was really tired since she went to bed late. Finally, half an hour later or so, she managed to get out of the bed. We packed our bags and cleaned the room, checked out and went down to the kitchen to have breakfast. Fried eggs, butter, ham and bread.

After a slow breakfast we went outside to talk to Karro and Robban, who had also slept there, for the last time before we had to go separate ways. It felt odd to leave them there, now that we had spent quite a lot of time together these last five days.

But living along the trail means a lot of hellos and a lot of goodbyes, so we got going and went first to the recycling station to recycle some of our trash since they didn't have that at the Wärdshus. We then continued down to Ammarnäs Livs to pick up our depot box. Luckily we had decided beforehand what to do with all the things, because otherwise it would've taken even longer. We had too much food, so we kept some, and decided to send home the rest together with the mosquito spray, Lukas' Sealskinz, Lukas' extra soles and Kim's sunglasses. But dang, was there a lot of snacks in the box! While we sorted it all we itched our heads thinking how there could be so much and how much we now must carry, but snacks are nice so we decided we just have to get better at not saving so much. It's like we got scared from the first section: Treriksröset-Abisko, because the last few days we ran out of snacks and couldn't buy anything, and now we are so careful with eating them just to not run out of new ones! We'll see how we will do the upcoming days...

The cashier at Ammarnäs Livs was sooo nice and helpful! Our box was just more than 5 kg, so he helped us removing weight (i.e made the box smaller so it would weigh less) until it was below 5 kg! And then we could send it home. We also (of course) bought ice cream.

After this we were supposed to start walking, but got delayed once again. A couple was selling reindeer meat about a hundred metres from the store, so Lukas stopped to buy a Souvas burger. And theeeen, we could get going.

We walked along a dirt road first, but then the trail went into the forest. Here it was slowly going upwards more or less the whole way. After some km we met a guy who was out watching insects or something, whose glasses we'd seen further down the road. Some km further we stopped to grab a geocache - finally one that we could find (the one in Bäverholmen required a boat and the others in Ammarnäs were gone). As we walked we heard bells in the forest, and smell of animals. Reindeers with bells?

The view got better and better as we climbed higher, with the Ammarnäs delta far below and all the small cute houses among the trees. But soon the forest around us disappeared and we crossed a bog where some people picked cloudberries, and after the next little hill we suddenly saw the Aigert cabin. Quite big, and everything looked brand new!

We took a short break before moving on, but we didn't get far before we decided to put up our tent. A short day with an early stop, but we thought we deserved that after two hard and long previous days. Since we'd made an early camp, we thought it would be fun to film with the GoPro for once! So we did that while preparing and eating our dinner, for almost an hour!

During this time, we saw a familiar face we had seen earlier today at Ammarnäs Livs. It was Annelise, a girl we had met back in Jäckvik on our first day there - the girl who was sleeping on the loft the day we came there. So she stopped to talk to us and we said that we'll (likely) see her tomorrow again.

After this is was time to enjoy having camped early! 😀


Favourite (Lukas): The Souvas Burger

Favourite (Kim): The Great weather and our early camp

Distance: 12.5 km

Start time: 11:28

End time: 17:40

Ascent: 511 m

Descent: 85 m

Ice cream eaten: 1

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 673.3 km

Ascent: 15,587 m

Descent: 15,189 m

Tent nights: 26/34

Gröna Bandare spotted: 16

Via Suecia-hikers spotted: 1/4

Snickers eaten: 24

Ice cream eaten: 10

We got to sleep inside again!

Repacking our bags with what we got in the new depot box.

Ice cream again!

They sold Sounds burgers.

Our tent spot for the night.