Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 20

NPL Day 20: Thursday 6 July 2023

Sieimmahytta-Čoalbmejohka via Ovi Raishiin

This night both of us slept really bad even though we were inside. If it wasn't for mosquitoes biting or buzzing, it was because your partner (Kim) was snoring, or because your partner (Lukas) kept shaking/slapping you while you tried to sleep...

When we finally got up, we had breakfast in the hut before rowing across the river. Then we followed the trail up a steep hill, and walked in a nicer forest (that wasn't a jungle). There we saw an owl! And ash trees!

After 4 km we reached the road, where it was time for a podcast. Later at the National Park entry - Ovi Raishiin, we stopped for a rest. Here we also met another hiker who had met Tom the day before.

We continued along the road before starting the ascent. About halfway up or so, we passed a beautiful waterfall.

Up at the tundra we could finally see some snowy mountains again, and the view was so nice! 💕

Kim saw another lemming and later we had dinner at a nice lake - there Lukas also saw a lemming. We walked for very long and after a while we started to steer off the trail. The idea was to take a short cut to the base of the mountain Halti/Ráisduottarháldi. There was just some water we were afraid we wouldn't be able to cross, but the water level was very low so it really was nothing to worry about.

We also found a beautiful tent spot, top 1 so far! Here Lukas went for the coldest swim so far, in the river that still had some snow on the sides.


Distance: 29.19 km

Start time: 10:07

End time: 22:10

Ascent: 1 062 m

Descent: 496 m

Lukas' swims: 1

Tent nights: 18/21