Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 46 & GB Day 22

Day 46: Tuesday 1 August 2023


Very cozy but slow morning (as usual). We had breakfast inside and left after 10. It started off with a steep ascent above tree level. There was a lot of on and off rain so we had to take on and off our rain gear a lot.

After the ascent, the path was nice but a bit wet some times. We reached a gravel road that took us to the dam, where the road ended. Here we sat down for a snack break, and just when we were about to leave we saw some people coming from the other direction. It was a man (Morgan) with his dogs and partner. We talked for one hour and he gave us so much advice and tips about the upcoming trail. He also told us that it would be an easy hike the rest of the day.

It was quite easy, but it was also wet, and we now had wet shoes after over a day with dry shoes. We also met a group with four ladies (toppjentene we think they were called on Instagram) and talked a bit with them.

Then continued up, and it was heavy. We passed the highest point of the day, and saw bad weather in front of us. A huge white wall of rain, so we quickly got dressed with everything we got, and packed our things rain tight before continuing. Lukas joked to Kim that the weather would pass, but Kim was sceptical.

We didn't come far, just down a bit, seeing the cloud pass sideways in front of us. Suddenly we were standing in the sun, confused. It did pass. So off with the rain gear again 😅 After what felt like an eternity we reached the hut where we had planned to have dinner and then continue 6 km more.

But in the hut was another hiker. It was Kristian, who is hiking Norge på langs from Lindesnes. So we started talking to him - as usual about our hikes, exchanging experiences etc, had our dinner etc. In the end we talked for so long so we decided to stay and sleep here instead. Much nicer, we actually aren't in s hurry. So we continue talking to him for an hour... Two hours...

Meanwhile, a family of three (a father with two sons) arrived. They had walked from the parking and were going to stay here and be fishing for three days.

And we continued talking about our hikes, about choice of routes etc. But finally we HAD to go to bed, so we did that.


Distance: 24.91 km

Start time: 10:13

End time: 18:48

Ascent: 847 m

Descent: 755 m

Tent nights: 34/47