Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 58 & GB Day 34

Day 58: Sunday 13 August 2023

Røyrvik-west of Gjersvikklumpen

This morning we were tired because we had stayed up late the day before, but we managed to get up in a fairly good time and go to have breakfast buffet. Then we sat there for a long time, eating and Kim was updating the blog.

Then Kim went back to the room to wash her hair. We were also chilling, then packing our bags for the next section of our hike.

Around 14 we got a message from Sandra! Apparently she was already here, we thought we wouldn't meet her until tomorrow evening. We decided to go to the gas station together. She bought pizza there (Kim didn't know you could, and Lukas never mentioned it before because we were supposed to leave before eating today) while we bought snacks for the upcoming two days.

Then we talked and talked. For hours, we just sat and talked. It was really nice, and Kim got flashbacks to her hike through Sweden, since Sandra was hiking on her own and had a tough time. Sandra was also impressed and a bit jealous of our light backpacks, which is understandable. Kim said that she could never hike so far with a heavy backpack.

Finally we had to leave, but it was really hard. Luckily, Sandra would get some company to join her tomorrow and for a few days.

We hiked in the golden hour, and managed to hike about 2,5 hours before it got too dark. Then we found a spot by the side of the road, and pitched our tent there.


Distance: 12.69 km

Start time: 18:58

End time: 21:39

Ascent: 258 m

Descent: 119 m

Tent nights: 41/59

We also noticed that our first aid drybag has been leaking, so we had to throw a lot of our things in it because they were wet/molded.