Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 62 & GB Day 38

Day 62: Thursday 17 August 2023

Heia-Kjenstadberget via Snåsa

This morning we were really tired, and we woke up later than we wanted to because we forgot to start any alarms. Most of the morning today we were fighting over not getting ready in time. We have the issue that Kim can not and don't want to follow time constraints and just want to take it easy. Lukas on the other hand is effective and quickly finish whatever needs to be done, then has to wait for Kim to be ready... Wait and wait...

Relationships aren't perfect, and this is a work in progress. Hopefully we can eventually find a strategy that works and will leave both of us content.

When leaving today, we first tried another way that was marked on the map, but it was a bit wetter than we liked so we quickly turned back to E6. The traffic was not too bad and it was easy to walk down in the ditch when too much traffic came at once. When we finally left the E6 we took a short rest before continuing. We found a small path that we followed, with signs saying "Oldtidsveien". It was really nice, looked like a REALLY old road that was overgrown and now more like a path. Along this path there were lots of big blueberry bushes and with big sweet blueberries on them 🫐

So nice!

Then we went through a cow pasture (fortunately without cows) and hiked the last part to Snåsa. We also saw the first pigs for this hike.

In Snåsa we had (a large) pizza and kebab. Then after that we went inside the store to do some shopping. A bit different from earlier, as we only bought one meal now, but breakfast and snacks for 5-6 days. We should be able to buy food in the huts for the upcoming days, so that's why we didn't buy more meals. Then we sat outside, repacking the food. Something that also were different this time, was that we bought some things we don't usually buy, like wafers, mudcake and cream 🥰😋 We also bought more chocolate and a little less Snickers - changing things up a bit.

After repacking it was time to continue. More road walking. We listened to a podcast and read about a murder story from 74 years ago. Kim also saw a squirrel today!

When we finally pitched the tent, we did so at the top of a hill. We barely managed to pitch it, but it felt like a fun challenge to see if we could.

In the evening we had mudcake with cream (not whipped, but shaken), ate Pringles and enjoyed still having internet connection 😜


Distance: 26.63 km

Start time: 10:01

End time: 19:45

Ascent: 348 m

Descent: 383 m

Tent nights: 43/63