Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 64 & GB Day 40

Day 64: Saturday 19 August 2023

Fagerlia-Storbekktjønnin via Setertjønnhytta, Norway's Geographical Mid Point, Lågvassbua, Skjækerdalshytta

The sun shining in the morning reminded us of how the mornings were in the beginning of our hike. We haven't experienced this in a long time and everything is so much easier when it's not wet, humid or damp. We continued on the wetlands, and after some time reached a trail, and followed this one instead. Not much of the difference, the only difference was that there was a clear path on the ground where people had walked. It was a bit easy to loose because it wasn't marked, but navigating here was easy - we just had to go along the lake Skjækervatnet and then cross some water between that lake and Skjeldbreien. Once we did, there were planks and signs all the way to Setertjønnhytta.

There we had breakfast in the sun which was really nice, before continuing towards Norway's Geographical Mid Point. For that short bit we had planks which felt great. With roof paper even! So they weren't slippery either.

We stopped some now and then to take some geocaches, and then arrived to the pile of stone blocks that marked the Mid Point. That was that.

As we continued there were of course no more planks 😂 Just bogs, and bogs and bogs. All over the place we could hear bells in the forest, belonging to sheep that were grazing here. Sometimes we got to see them too, but they were really shy.

After a long time of walking in forest and over bogs we reached Skjækerdalshytta. Here the plan was to buy food and eat there for dinner. This way we could save some weight which was nice! So Lukas had lapskojs and Kim had spaghetti with meat balls, and of course we are it out in the sun. We rested for quite some time but in the end we had to continue. Now we hiked up the mountain and it was quite steep and heavy. Here it was also colder and windy. Just before the sunset we found some okay tent spot and pitched our tent, then Lukas went for a swim and Kim poured cold water on herself and screamed 😂 She was not happy about having to clean herself outside, in the cold wind, with cold water...


Distance: 26.23 km

Start time: 09:00

End time: 20:46

Ascent: 666 m

Descent: 667 m

Tent : 45/65

Lukas' swims: 1