Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 75

Day 75: Wednesday 30 August 2023


Really nice to get to sleep in a proper bed again 😍

This morning we were in no rush, we were going to road walk the whole day and it wasn't too far, so we knew we would get there in time. Lukas was the first one out of bed and once up he started to pack things and slowly get ready.

Then we sat down to have breakfast. There was still some mudcake left from the day before, so we had some of that as dessert.

The sun was shining as we got going after noon, and Kim's parents waved us goodbye.

We started the road walk towards Elgå, talking and listening to podcasts. After a while we reached the highest point for today and the parking lot where you can start some of the trails that lead into Femundsmarka National Park. Here we sat down and shared some snacks.

When we started to walk again we didn't get far until a car stopped beside us. It was Lars Svanerud! We talked a little and he took a photo of us for his Instagram 😎

The landscape from here on was amazing and when we came further down the valley there were small and beautiful farms everywhere.

We passed the mountain "Båthusberget" which Lukas and his class hiked a long time ago and that Lukas recognised.

In the evening we finally came over a hill and saw lake Femunden for the first time! We also soon came to Elgå, and we were surprised to see it being so big.

We saw a hare in a garden, and then we continued towards the lake. The view over the lake was breathtaking in the sunset, and we spent some time there to take some pictures. Then we filled our bottles at the nearby restaurant, before making our way inside the open pine forest. We quickly found a good flat tentspot where we pitched our tent.


Distance: 27.85

Start time: 12:23

End time: 19:31

Ascent: 235 m

Descent: 239 m

Tent: 52/76