Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 92

Day 92: Sarurday 16 September 2023

Tyinkrysset-Sulebu via Gamlestøga

We slept in this morning, because we were just doing a very short distance today. Then for breakfast we had planned to just have sandwiches, but we got fresh eggs from the chickens in the garden 🥰

Kim applied to some different jobs while Lukas packed everything and uploaded pictures on the blog. Emma and Sven Richard, who owned Opplev Filefjell, were so nice and let us stay longer than our check-out time.

When we finally left, we started with 5 km along the road. Kim found a geocache and after some time we passed Gamlestøga, and left the road and started to follow the trail up the mountain. As we climbed higher, the temperature dropped.

When we arrived in Sulebu there were already people there in the main hut. One of the men, a Dane, asked Lukas where he had walked from and when Lukas answered Tyinkrysset, he felt that the reaction was "wow, not longer". He also commented on the trail shoes, and were very sceptical to hiking with that kind of shoes. Lukas thought it was hard to understand him since he spoke Danish and didn't talk to him much but was annoyed by the man's reaction to his shoes and the distance we had walked. Lukas didn't even bother to try to tell him about Norge på langs...

We chose to stay in the other smaller hut, because there we were alone and the beds were beside each other, so we could cuddle 🥰

Kim had to walk back to the main hut to add our names into the protocol and write in the Hyttebok. She then talked to the Dane again, who again commented on the trail shoes 😂 She tried to explain that they work better for her than boots, but he was still very sceptical. Then we started to talk about where we had planned to go, and mentioned "all the way to Lindesnes". At some point he mentioned that someone else had been here who does Norge på langs, and when Kim saw that it was Mari (@turmedmari) she said that she knows her and that she started from the North Cape after us, but we hiked and she bikes and hikes... It was fun to see his reaction 😄

Meanwhile Lukas made dinner and some fire in the stove, and then Kim taught Lukas how to play chess, and we played a game together. No one won - Remi, but it was still a nice game! We can't wait until next time 😄


Distance: 10.47 km

Start time: 15:54

End time: 19:00

Ascent: 592 m

Descent: 104 m

Tent: 56/93