Lukas & Kim

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TA Day 69

TA Day 69: Tuesday 25 February 2025

Nichols Hut - Te Matawai Hut

None of us slept very well tonight, but Kim had one of her worst nights ever on this hike, waking up in the middle of the night with Lukas quilt glued to her face and literally from head to toe covered in sweat. The liner was soaked. It was disgusting. Not the best way to start the day.

But once we got going again it felt a bit better. It was misty today and once we got up on the ridge it got really windy. Our legs were sore after yesterday's big climb (over 2000 m ascent). It was a slow day today too, even though the terrain was better, but it was okay. We soon entered a cozy, mossy forest, and here it was warmer as we were sheltered from the wind. But the trail kept going up and down and up and down so we felt like we weren't doing much progress. After some time we were out in the open again and now we could see the hut on the next ridge over. So close... Yet so far, as we had to walk around the ridge to reach it.

Finally we reached the summit and from here it was pretty much only downhill to the hut. Only a few more km to go...

The best part with reaching the hut was that we got to clean ourselves! Finally! We felt like new persons after that.

We shared the hut today with an Australian hiker going SOBO. He already completed the majority of the north island a few years back and are planning to do the rest of the Te Araroa this season.

After a warm dinner and lots of talking, it was time to go to bed.


Distance: 13.19 km

Ascent: 1081 m

Descent: 1381 m

Tent nights: 41/69

Weather: Cloudy and windy