ERT Day 15

European Road Trip Day 15

Friday 15 July 2022

More later, there's so much that happened this day, it will take some time to write down…

Alpine start in the early morning darkness.

At the top of Aiguille du Tour! 3 540 m.a.s.l.

Lukas was leading on the way down.

At the Trient hut.

Getting taught more about glacier safety (like glacier rescuing).

Start: Albert premiere hut, France

End: Cabane Trient hut, Switzerland

Via: Aiguille du Tour

Countries passed: 2 (France, Switzerland)

Distance hiked: 6.50 km

Time: 8 h 11 min

Ascent: 873 m

Descent: 414 m


ERT Day 16


ERT Day 14