ERT Day 22

European Road Trip Day 22

Friday 22 July 2022

Today we slept in for a long time and had a nice morning by the car. We had a late breakfast eating the watermelon we bought a few says earlier, as well as bread with chocolate spread, hazelnut spread and biscoff spread. Probably the worst breakfast ever, but at least it was tasty!

Today we didn't really have any plans for the day, but someone had been so nice to leave Kim's Travelbug (a geocache thing) in a geocache "fairly" close to our route, so we started driving in that direction so we could pick it up. Along the way, Lukas got tired so we stopped at a gas station. Kim was also tired, so both of us fell asleep and slept for at least two hours!

We then used the toilet, stretched our legs and got going again. When we reached the spot where the geocache was supposed to be hidden, we were at a cozy camping. They had rabbits, hens and a pig there. Had it not been such a long drive left, we might have stayed there because it was so cozy.

Luckily, Kim's TB (travelbug) was still there, so we grabbed it and kept going. Kim wanted to eat Dutch pancakes before we left the Netherlands, so we started looking for somewhere to eat. By now it was really late, so most places were already closed, and we were also close to the border. But Kim managed to find a place 20 min away that was open, so we went there.

We had two savoury pancakes and finished off with one sweet pancake with fruit. They were okay, and we became very full.

After this, we crossed the border into Germany and found a place to sleep.

Midgetgolf? Really?

Start: Sittard, the Netherlands

End: Oldenburg, Germany

Via: Lemelerveld, the Netherlands

Countries passed: 2 (the Netherlands, Germany)

Drive time: 5 h 13 min

Distance driven: 441 km

Toilet fees: €1.4 (2 visits)

Parking fees: €0

Toll: €0

Total drive time: 69 h 22 min

Total distance driven: 4 602 km


ERT Day 23


ERT Day 21