ERT Day 3

European Road Trip Day 3

Sunday 3 July 2022

Today when we woke up we were really tired, and we woke up by the heat. Kim was really dizzy this morning for some reason and could barely stand up. So Lukas drove first in the morning, until we came to a gas station. After that Kim felt slightly better so we drove in shifts, stopping some now and then for a geocache and then continuing. We had a lunch break at Burger King, and found out a life hack to just ask for a cup of ice. Sooo nice to later have in our previously lukewarm water bottles in the car.

During the day we also saw a lot of eagles which felt really cool, and an unusual sight for a Swede!

We drove on, all the way to and past Munich, and here we finally started to see THE MOUNTAINS! 😍

In the evening we stopped by the big lake Chiemsee. Super nice here and the view was amazing too! We took some geocaches along the beach, and when we found a good spot we went for a swim together. And yes, even Kim joined! The water was super nice and the evening was calm. And we were really happy!

After the swim we went towards the border. First we stopped on a gas station to by some sandwiches and then again a bit further ahead to buy one of those vignettes that you need to put in your windowshield to be allowed to drive on Austrian highways.

We parked for the night on one of those rest stops/parking lots along the highway, just inside of the Austrian border.

Start: Walsleben, Germany

End: Walserberg, Austria

Via: Road 24, 10 and 9.

Toilet fees: €2.1 (3 visits)

Parking fees: €2? (By Lake Chiemsee)

Countries passed: 2 (Germany, Austria)

Total drive time: 20 h 22 min

Total distance driven: 1 668 km


ERT Day 4


ERT Day 2