GB Day 24

GB Day 24:

Darreluoppal (lake) - Tarrekaise (Tarraure)

Via Såmmarlappa, Darreädnohuhttán

Monday 2 August 2021

Today was another day where we were awoken by a helicopter, but also by some rain, and then by sunshine. Kim had a freeze-dried yoghurt breakfast inside the tent, while the guys ate outside. When we were about to head off, Ismaël wanted to go to the privy, so he walked all the way back to the privy in Darreluoppal - a little more than 1 km away, while the rest of us got going. We didn't go many km on the mountain until we were down in the forest. Here the terrain was a little bit worse for a while, compared to the rest of the Padjelanta trail.

About halfway to Tarrekaise, Ismaël caught up to us again, and later by that cabin we stopped to go to the privy, the guys took a swim, we all had lunch and played the knife dance. We also ate a loooot of snacks, so it was a long break.

When we finally got going, we did so with some more speed. Somewhere around here, we saw a baby bird swimming in the water like it was swimming for it's life!

On the way we also wanted to check out the Darreädnohuhttán, STF's very first hut from 1896. Before the weather had been good with just a little bit of rain, but the little detour here wasn't as good. The grass was super high, about waist high, and all was wet. The footbridges weren't very good and it was very muddy and we had to cross two small creeks. So after those 2 extra km to the hut we were all very wet, which we hadn't been before.

The hut was extremely small, and completely crowded because when we opened the door there was already someone there - a guy from Switzerland, that Kim talked with for quite some time about Nordkalottrauta and Gröna Bandet. But the guys soon got impatient. We took a photo of all of us outside the tiny hut that just fitted a small bed and a chimney, and then turned around and walked back to try and find some good tent spots. We had originally planned to make camp by the hut, but there was no tent spots around. When we reached the bridge crossing Darrhaädno, Ismaël and Johannes stopped to camp there. But Lukas and Kim wanted to continue. So we walked all the way to Tarrekaise before stopping. But our bodies felt good, so it was fine!

On the way we saw what we think was a ptarmigan that ran in the trail, and also bear poop. A bear that we later found out was pretty famous in the area!

When we reached Tarrekaise we used the privy, and sat down by some tables outside to have a late dinner after 10:30 PM. We were talking quite a lot because we had had some interesting conversations going the past km. Now we were whispering as to not disturb anyone.

After dinner we finally found an okay tent spot just by the river, about 150 m from the STF huts. The vegetation was thick everywhere else, without options, and we had promised Ismaël and Johannes to meet up by the STF cabins for breakfast. So we made camp here. Lukas bathed quickly in the cold water, and Kim washed her feet before going to bed to sleep.


Favourite: Last km before Tarrekaise, we had a really nice conversation going, and it continued way into our dinner as well

Distance: 31.0 km

Start time: 11:30

End time: 23:14

Ascent: 448 m

Descent: 625 m

Snickers eaten: 1

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 473.1 km

Ascent: 10,720 m

Descent: 10,721 m

Tent nights: 20/24

Gröna Bandare spotted: 9

Snickers eaten: 16

Ice cream eaten: 4

Tent spot in the morning.

Tent spot in the morning.

STFs oldest hut!

STFs oldest hut!


GB Day 25


GB Day 23