GB Day 7
GB Day 7:
West of Jorbačohkka-West of Čearročohkka
Friday 16 July 2021
When Lukas woke up in the morning he had phone coverage, so he looked a bit more closely on both the digital (Lantmäteriet's map) and the physical map and then understood where we were. Without knowing about each other, Kim had done the same before going to bed that night.
I'm the morning we took it slow and ate a nice oatmeal breakfast without mosquitoes because it was a little bit windy.
We then walked north on the ATV track towards the Norwegian border - the same way we walked back and forth on yesterday.
The path to the left on our map didn’t exist on Lantmäteriet's map, and not for real either (I'll try to add a picture later).
We started to make our way west, between the lakes and found a surprisingly dry way through all the wetness. It wasn't so bad with the willow and birch trees here as we had expected. We crossed a new ATV track, which on the map is the marked trail towards renvaktarstugan, just as we had planned. At one point the ATV track turned left, but a small trail continued straight, which we followed. It eventually joined the ATV track and led us right. By renvaktarstugan we had lunch - somewhat protected from the wind.
After the lunch we needed to navigate between block fields and small lakes. It was heavy, but we made it steadily upwards. The higher we got, the better the terrain became. On the way up we found a huge elk horn that was lying on the ground. Kim thought it felt a little crazy and weird with elks up on 800 m where there's barely any vegetation and is really windy.
We rounded the top of Čearročohkka at 940 meter a.s.l. Before making our way towards the creek south of the lake west of Čearročohkka to find a good spot to pitch our tents - which we also did.
There we had dinner, cleaned ourselves slightly and took shelter inside of our tents as protection from the wind, that was blowing a lot, but still a lot less considering the weather forecast.
Favourite: Today's camp west of Čearročohkka
Distance: 14.7 km
Start time: 11:13
End time: 17:57
Ascent: 552 m
Descent: 201 m
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 135.9 km
Ascent: 3228 m
Descent: 2766 m
Snickers eaten: 8
Mosquito free morning.
Found a huge elk horn!
Dinner inside today.