Norge på langs - answering some of your questions ✍️

Since we posted about our Norge på langs-hike about a week ago we of course got a lot of questions! So we thought we could clear out a few. We still don't have an answer to all of them though, so please be patient 😅 We will share more as we figure out more.

# When will you start from Nordkapp?
- We would like to start 23 June 2023, and latest 1 July 2023. But it depends on several things, but mainly the snow melting.

# What do you mean when you say you will hike both Norge på langs and Gröna Bandet? Will you walk back and forth?
- No, we're definitely not fast enough for that 😅 We will start from Nordkapp, walk past Treriksröset and from there hike both Gröna Bandet and Norge på langs at the same time (since you can hike Gröna Bandet in Norway too!), walk past Grövelsjön and finish our Gröna Bandet hike, then continue towards Lindesnes where we will finish Norge på langs.

# When will you start Gröna Bandet/when will you start from Treriksröset?
- We don't know. But probably around 3-4 weeks after starting from Nordkapp.

# For how long will you be hiking?
- We're hoping/planning for 100-120 days or something like that. We will see! The weather will be the biggest challenge and factor.


Preliminary (NPL) plan 📝


Norge på langs 2023 🇸🇯