NPL Day 32 & GB Day 8

Day 32: Tuesday 18 July 2023

Katterjåkk-Dossagemvággi via Stuor Kärpel

It felt so good with a good night's sleep. The host of Katterjokk Turiststation was so nice and let us stay longer than our check out time. So we had breakfast and packed our stuff, tried to update Instagram and the blog but the phone reception wasn't very good.

When Viktor came we sat down at the table in our room and finished whatever fresh food was left. So nice to meet Viktor ❤️

After talking to and saying goodbye to the amazing stugvärd (host) we started to walk. It felt really good and we all were happy. Viktor really needed to leave the hamster wheel and come to the mountains.

We met some nice locals that we stopped and talked to for some time, then continued up a steep hill.

Here the terrain became very different, and it didn't look like any place we've been before. Smooth rock surfaces with no cracks and not many loose stones.

We crossed a river barefoot and Kim continued barefoot all the way to the small hut - Stuor Kärpel, where we stopped to eat dinner. Here we met some guys that we talked a little bit with. They were going in the same direction as us but were going to stop here for the night. But we continued for two more km.

When we found a good tent spot we started pitching Viktor's tent before pitching our own. It was interesting to see a similar tent (Tarptent Stratospire) but with everything made a little bit different. We sat down and chatted for some time inside Viktor's tent, then it was time to sleep.


Distance: 15.00 km

Start time: 14:45

End time: 20:26

Ascent: 604 m

Descent: 267 m

Tent nights: 27/33


NPL Day 33 & GB Day 9


NPL Day 31 & GB Day 7