NPL Day 63 & GB Day 39

Day 63: Friday 18 August 2023

Kjenstadberget-Fagerlia via Kjenstad, Kleivsandseteren, Nåvasshytta

The sun was shining this morning. Sooo nice, and we weren't boiled in the tent either because we were shaded in the forest. So none of us wanted to rush this morning.

For breakfast Lukas had some Norwegian bread - Boller, with chocolate.

As we started to walk we walked passed so many beautiful houses and farms. And potential places where we'd want to live! It was that beautiful! 😍❤️

We passed a pasture with cows looking exactly the same, and one bull who looked like he was probably the father to all of them 🤔

We continued on the small asphalt road and when we reached Åsa we sat down on the grass outside an old hut. The mood was so much better now when the sky was blue and the sun was shining. Lukas laid down after the late breakfast and enjoyed the sun. After that we followed a gravel road for some time. The funniest thing all day happened here on the gravel road. Out of nowhere, Kim screamed, flailed her arms and accidentally threw her phone several meters. Lukas got scared and confused, and Kim just stood frozen, also scared and confused. There had been a big spider on her hand, the hand that was holding her phone 😂 So her reflex had been to flail her hand and throw the phone. Luckily, it didn't break.

Finally we came to where the road turned into a path. At first it was nice and dry but it didn't take long until that changed... We hiked up and up, until we were on the mountain again. Suddenly we noticed that the path had disappeared and we had lost the trail again. Yay.

But this time we were only a little bit off so we soon found it again. There were some planks here and there but mostly it was wet. Kim started to get really tired but still strong enough to push to the spot where we had planned to stay for the night. We passed Nåvasshytta, and Lukas walked in front to navigate the last 2 km that was off trail.

The terrain wasn't too bad, just some high bushes as we started to get closer to our camp spot, but that was all.

When we finally reached the camp spot we had golden hour and a lake beside us. We went to the lake, Lukas to take a swim and Kim to wash herself, and then we took some nice pictures in the tent with the sun in the background. Kim made dinner when Lukas "made the beds". A beautiful evening with a golden line just above the mountain.


Distance: 30.46 km

Start time: 10:18

End time: 20:22

Ascent: 756 m

Descent: 356 m

Tent nights: 44/64

Lukas’ swims: 1


NPL Day 64 & GB Day 40


NPL Day 62 & GB Day 38