NPL Day 65 & GB Day 41

Day 65: Sunday 20 August 2023

Storbekktjønnin-Bellingstua via Veresstua

We managed to be efficient this morning and got going already before 8.

No rain today, but some clouds and a thin line of sun above the mountains, that looked like a sunset.

We passed two people sleeping without a tent. At first we only noticed their gear but then the dog started barking and so we saw two people. They looked somewhat confused as they woke from their slumber. We said good morning and kept walking.

We stopped at a bridge to rest and eat breakfast. Some wetlands later we suddenly reached a road and some buildings. In front of the building (Vera Samfunnshus) we saw something like 50 people in a big circle dressed in clothes from the 19th Century. First we joked that we had traveled back in time and that this must be a religious rite of some sort, as we saw the people bowing and cheering. Then we said that maybe it was a movie shoot.

We met a guy and Lukas asked about it all. He told us that they have a show about someone walking here in the 19th Century and some conflict with the Sami people. It was called Veresspelet and they have it every year, but with a different story (we think?). If we didn't have plans to reach DNT Bellingstua tonight we would have stayed to see the show. We kept going, and took a quick break at DNT Veresstua and used the toilet. In the hut in the matbua, Kim saw pancake mix and started dreaming about how when we came to Bellingstua we would have pancakes. Then we continued on the gravel road for 1 more km and then on to the Stormyrin which literally means The big bog. It was like biking with a flat tire but we reached the highest point pretty fast. As we continued down, suddenly from out of nowhere appeared freshly made planks to walk on. With signs warning that the planks may be slippery. We passed a super cozy hut and after that there were planks some now and then all the way to the road. We arrived at the hut and Kim noticed immediately that there were no pancake mix in this hut's matbua. So she had a silent mental breakdown before accepting this fact and picking something else to eat. Then we made food, uploaded pictures on Instagram, hung our clothes to dry, washed ourselves and went to bed.


Distance: 31.28 km

Start time: 07:56

End time: 18:12

Ascent: 675 m

Descent: 731 m

Tent : 45/66


NPL Day 66 & GB Day 42


NPL Day 64 & GB Day 40