Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 9

NPL Day 9: Sunday 25 June 2023

Bajit Goaðehisjávri-Geinnodatgielas

Not a very eventful day today.

As usual, we slept through our alarm 🤣 And we didn't wake up from the sun for once. The weather today was cloudy, with rain looming in the air. This made it a lot easier to hike, and we hiked 6 km before breakfast in fairly easy terrain. We had to cross several waters today, so we didn't stay dry at all.

And we saw a lot of birds. The usual ones but also geese, swans and a snowy owl! Lifting from a bush just a few meters from us.

After passing 20 km we had dinner. We also had several nice and interesting topics to talk about.

In the late afternoon we hiked down into a valley and found a nice tent spot where we fooled around and ate some candy before going to bed 🥰


Distance: 28.56 km

Start time: 08:44

End time: 18:30

Ascent: 348 m

Descent: 342 m

Tent nights: 9/10