Q&A Thruhiking Sweden: The Route

The Route

  • Did you hike mostly in nature or did you follow roads?

    Both! In the mountains I hiked mainly along trails, but further south I chose to walk along more roads. Via Suecia follows several roads in the south (except for like Skåne) but often I decided to walk roads anyway because I wanted to get somewhere more quickly and it was often shorter.

  • It would be nice to see on a map the exact route you took

    Sure! You can see maps from Gröna Bandet here, and maps from Via Suecia here. I’ll probably add more maps in the future.

  • How far did you walk per day on average?

    26,6 km on average, but my days varied A LOT throughout the hike. The distances were shorter in the beginning and then slowly got longer and longer despite the days getting shorter and shorter… You can see more stats here.

  • What part did you enjoy the most?

    When it came to the trail - Padjelanta for sure! It was well-maintained, but then we had great weather too. I also really enjoyed hiking the section from Kvikkjokk to Ammarnäs too, because here we had fairly good weather as well, met lots of people (especially at Jäckvik! So much fun!) and Lukas and I was also hiking here alone, which we hadn’t before. Considering the views I also really like the section between Alesjaure and Nallo.

  • Did you take a longer break during the hike or did you walk everything in one stretch?

    Everything in one stretch. Sometimes I had a rest day, or once even three rest days (at a friends’ place!), but other than that I just hiked all of it. You can see the plans here and here.

  • Through Sweden - as in from the northern to the southern part?

    Correct! From the Northernmost point (Treriksröset) to the Southernmost point (Smygehuk).


Q&A Thruhiking Sweden: Shoes & Feet


Q&A Thruhiking Sweden: Food & Packing