Summer plans 2022? ☀

Lately it's been rather quiet from us, and before that a lot of focus has been in the past. Particularly Kim's hike through Sweden last year.

Now we are preparing for summer!

In June we are planning to go to this year's Fjällträff! And we're hoping that we will meet a lot of old and new Gröna Bandare there. During that week we are also planning to do some other things in the area like hiking, paddling and maybe even climbing. We'll see.

We also have another adventure planned for this summer. A roadtrip through Europe in July, with lots of different activities and a chance for us to meet our friends living in continental Europe.

In the middle of the trip we will do a alpine climbing course with Mountain Guide Travel, and hopefully at the end of the course reach the peak of Gran Paradiso (4096 m)! I'm sure it will be an interesting adventure, and just like before, we are planning to share some of it on our blog and through social media.


Unplanned Plans


Tack! ❤️