TS Day 102

TS Day 102

Åremma Kvarn - Hestra

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Since I had walked so far yesterday, I let myself take it easy today. No alarms so I woke up some time after 8 AM. I lay in my sleeping bag for a long time, and didn't want to get up. It had been a cold night, I felt as if I had been half asleep and half awake all night freezing, so I was still tired and didn't want to get up because it was cold outside. But I finally had a slow breakfast and talked to Lukas which felt nice. I didn't start walking again until noon, and at the start, my body didn't feel as broken as I thought it would, so that was good!

Still, I made quite slow progress today. It was foggy and drizzling all day, but I was glad I was going to arrive in Hestra later today. In Grimsås I took a geocache, but that was probably the only interesting thing that happened today. In Hestra I walked to the store, bought food and snacks for the upcoming days and tomato, ruccola, olive oil and mozzarella to make a salad to have together with my Billys pizza tonight. (Gotta try to be healthy sometimes, right?)

When I arrived, I got to hang my wet tent in a drying room, and then I unpacked my bag. I had dinner, just one Billys because having an entire salad on your own is tough! And wrote a little bit with Lukas. I only saw one person at the place the entire evening. It felt a little spooky that it was so quiet there.

I also had a shower before going to bed, and used my shirt as towel 🤷🏼‍♀️

Then I went to bed, but didn't get to sleep many hours. I stayed awake until 4 AM or something to research about the coming days, trying to figure out a good solution for the very last week of hiking, but coming up with none. There is going to be lots of road walking, very little water sources, and if I don't sleep inside I won't be able to use my electronics, because I will need to charge them. There also won't be any shelters for the last few days, and I don't know where I can pitch my tent, so the only solution is to sleep inside. But there are only hotels there that are open now and they are reaaaally expensive. So I was looking into whether or not I maybe could take buses or trains and sleep somewhere else. But I don't know... It all feels very complicated, which made me frustrated. Finally I gave up and went to sleep.


Distance: 25.9 km

Start time: 12:11

End time: 18:24

Ascent: 216 m

Descent: 292 m

Snickers eaten: 2

Totals (from Grövelsjön)

Distance: 900.3 km

Ascent: 12,214 m

Descent: 12,845 m

Tent nights: 11

Shelter nights: 5

Ice cream eaten: 13

Snickers eaten: 35

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 2,332.5 km

Ascent: 45,341 m

Descent: 45,919 m

Tent nights: 53/102

Snickers eaten: 77

Ice cream eaten: 36

The day started looking like this…

The day started looking like this…

And a few hours later nothing had changed.

And a few hours later nothing had changed.

Finally reached Hestra!

Finally reached Hestra!

I got to sleep inside again!

I got to sleep inside again!

Trying to eat healthy or something.

Trying to eat healthy or something.

Eating a whole salad on your own is tough!

Eating a whole salad on your own is tough!


TS Day 103


TS Day 101