TS Day 107
TS Day 107
Via Simlångsdalen
Sunday 24 October 2021
Getting up early today proved a little easier, since I knew I had a deadline. I had to be in Simlångsdalen at, preferably, 10:30 AM. Because there, Peter Bergström was going to meet me and walk with me for a few days. And although I warned him I was likely going to be late, I of course didn't want to be. So I packed down my tent and got going before 9 AM!
The morning was cold, but I walked on fast. I found a shortcut along an old train embarkment that I took. After 7 km I reached Simlångsdalen where I threw my recycling and spent some time buying food. Because guess what! I was on time!!! I even had time to find a toilet and use it before Peter showed up. He was somewhat baffled because I was early - he thought he would have time to charge his phone and have a fika. But no!
We got going, and followed Hallandsleden for a while. We caught up to a huge group of people, all stopping by "Danska fall". I tried to take a photo of the big tourist group, but I just got a photo of Peter instead 😉
As we continued, I kept talking non-stop as if there was no tomorrow. At least no tomorrow with other humans in it.
We finally reached Mästocka Bygdegård and arrived there in the early afternoon. Since I had started early in the morning, found a shortcut, and we also took the road later in the day which was faster, we arrived a lot earlier than predicted. The ladies at bygdegården was really kind to us, and very nice to talk to! They showed us around and treated us with tea, coffee and cinnamon rolls! So nice of them.
Later, when they left, we hung my tent, had dinner, talked and before going to bed I took a shower in the basement, having a huge spider in the neighbouring shower, so I was really proud that I showered anyway!
This was perhaps my last night indoors on this hike, and I tried my best to enjoy it!
Distance: 28.5 km
Start time: 08:42
End time: 15:45
Ascent: 317 m
Descent: 266 m
Snickers eaten: 2
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 1,052.6 km
Ascent: 14,207 m
Descent: 14,899 m
Tent nights: 15
Shelter nights: 5
Ice cream eaten: 13
Snickers eaten: 50
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 2,484.8 km
Ascent: 47,334 m
Descent: 47,973 m
Tent nights: 57/107
Snickers eaten: 92
Ice cream eaten: 36
Cold morning on my way to Simlångsdalen.
Another old train embarkment.
Peter and “Danska fall”.
Arrived at Mästocka Bygdegård early afternoon!