TS Day 109
TS Day 109
Ekegården shelter - Grytåsa shelter
Via Koarp
Tuesday 26 October 2021
Today I hadn't slept much better. I woke on and off during the night and had to move because it hurt somewhere.
We took it slow, none of us being in a hurry to get going. Perhaps I'm having a bad influence on Peter 😂
Today when we started I only had filtered water from the stream nearby. I don't know what it was, but it tasted so bad it made me nauseous. After a while, I had to make it into ice tea to drown the taste, but the nausea didn't go away throughout the day. But Peter didn't notice anything, and we were drinking the same water, so I thought it was weird.
At least my hip, that had been "clicking" and hurting the past two days were finally feeling better, although not completely fine yet.
During the day we walked and talked like before, and we also stopped at one spot where I said hi to some cows and feeded one of them. It was super cute!
Unfortunately, as the day progressed, the nausea got even worse. In Koarp I could fill my water bottle with good water, but that didn't seem to help. I couldn't eat because I felt sick, and I also had a slight headache. Walking felt really tough, but I didn't want to complain.
In the evening we finally decided to knock on the door to one of the last houses we passed before reaching the shelter, and ask for water. The man who opened seemed really kind and understanding, and asked us if we were going to sleep in the shelter. So here we filled all our bottles, and I could breathe out and feel a sense of relief knowing I wouldn't have to worry about that for either today or the first thing tomorrow.
Before reaching the shelter we found a privy that I used, and while Peter waited he met a German in a camper van, that was going to stay there for the night. Apparently he often came there together with his wife and dogs to walk in the area.
We then walked the last bit to the shelter, luckily it wasn't far, and I just went to bed straight away. I didn't eat anything, and except for breakfast that morning I had only eaten a double Snickers. I was hoping the nausea might go away during the night, if I was lucky.
We talked a little bit, and then we went to sleep.
Distance: 35.3 km
Start time: 09:49
End time: 19:34
Ascent: 417 m
Descent: 397 m
Snickers eaten: 2
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 1,120.5 km
Ascent: 14,969 m
Descent: 15,708 m
Tent nights: 15
Shelter nights: 7
Ice cream eaten: 14
Snickers eaten: 54
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 2,552.7 km
Ascent: 48,096 m
Descent: 48,782 m
Tent nights: 57/109
Snickers eaten: 96
Ice cream eaten: 37
Well-prepared for the rain!
A short break in the rain.
Met some cute cows!
Skåne! The end is near.
Another break.