TS Day 111
TS Day 111
Via Eslöv
Thursday 28 October 2021
So, since we arrived so late to the shelter yesterday, we weren’t in a hurry this morning, even though we knew we were going to walk far today. Despite this, it was actually I who got out of my sleeping bag first today, and packed my stuff together. After this I took it slow and easy as usual though, had some bread for breakfast, and then after filling up our water bottles and packing our last stuff together, we got going. Today, the weather wasn’t fantastic, but at least it wasn’t cold. The landscapes were different today. It was like I was brought a month back in time, the grass was green and you could see far and wide across the fields. Once or twice, we took a wrong turn while walking and talking, but by now I just shrugged it off and found another route instead. In Trolleholm we passed a castle, a private one, but it was really cool! I wish I could’ve seen what it looked like on the inside.
In the afternoon we started getting closer to Eslöv, and I was happy for that, because once again my feet were hurting. A lot. Meanwhile, I was marveled by being in a “big town” since I hadn’t been in a lot of bigger towns on my hike. Peter thought that was quite funny. Eventually, we found an Italian Restaurant called Grande, where we had some great food. Peter ate another pizza while I went for lasagna and salad. It was very delicious, but in the end I got so full while eating that it felt more like torture than anything else to eat it all. But as I always say… You can’t throw away food! (Sorry olives, didn’t say anything about you…) And especially not while out hiking. You need all of that, alright.
When I didn’t pay attention, Peter sneaked away to pay for the food, and as always, I’m not very good at protesting… Then we hiked on in the now evening darkness. It was quite cold now too, and it didn’t take long until I had to put on my down jacket, and then it was on for the rest of the hike. We mentally prepared to walk on a (really) big road for several kms, but luckily, when we got there we saw that there was a small dirt road beside it that we could walk on. Phew! Walking on the road would have been really dangerous.
We walked on, talked some now and then, and our first break we lay down and stargazed. The moon wasn’t up yet, and it was really pretty to watch the stars. Then we decided to continue because we were getting cold. After the break I kept my pace up again, but it soon got slower. We passed the big road, and decided not to follow Via Suecia to Flyinge, but instead take a “side road” through a smaller community that went straight south towards Södra Sandby. It felt endless, and the time in between the breaks got shorter and shorter. During one of them, Lukas called, and we had a nice conversation for a bit.
As we reached Södra Sandby, we were suddenly passed by a police car, roaring past us at a really high speed. Then, not much later, we saw another one, and another one. I don’t know how many we saw, it was hard to keep count because they went back and forth past us. I wonder what they were up to.
After passing Södra Sandby we were close to Skrylle, which felt great. I was totally exhausted again, and taking the breaks helped less and less. Finally, we rolled into the nature reserve, found water and a toilet, and now just had to find somewhere to pitch my tent, and find a shelter for Peter. That proved easier said than done in the darkness, and we walked somewhat in circles before finally finding it. It was then really late, so the moment I had pitched my tent and all, I just went to sleep.
Distance: 49.0 km
Start time: 10:07
End time: 01:04
Ascent: 377 m
Descent: 403 m
Snickers eaten: 2
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 1,206.2 km
Ascent: 15,788 m
Descent: 16,492 m
Tent nights: 15
Shelter nights: 9
Ice cream eaten: 14
Snickers eaten: 58
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 2,638.4 km
Ascent: 48,915 m
Descent: 49,566 m
Tent nights: 57/111
Snickers eaten: 100
Ice cream eaten: 37
Another little viper!?
And we left the woods behind…
A bunch of curious cows ❤️
Trolleholm Castle.
Must look a little bit proper before reaching Eslöv!
The border of Eslöv!
Horses in the middle of the city!?
Fooood ❤️
You didn’t hear it from me!
(The signs says in Swedish: “Love every (10) kilometer”)
Evening break and stargazing.