TS Day 97

TS Day 97

Skogaryd - Erikssonsdammen

Via Björsjön, Grebban

Thursday 14 October 2021

Nights indoors means slow mornings whether you want it or not. That's just how it is.

I didn't feel like being in any rush at all today, and Monalie and Lars had left early in the morning to go to work anyway, so I knew I wouldn't see them again either even if I hurried.

Today felt like just another day of transportation. Luckily, I had two fully charged powerbanks and just two days until rest day, which meant I could use my electronics AS MUCH AS I WANTED. I spent the day listening to music, listening to podcasts, surfing on my phone and talking to Lukas. It helped the day pass faster, which I by now really appreciate because I just want to reach Smygehuk and go home to Lukas 😂

Today, I picked roads instead of walking along Västra Vätternleden, and along one of those roads I met a roller skier who stopped to ask me the regular questions, and also slip in a "well, there are people for everything" as I said I'm walking from Treriksröset to Smygehuk. Well, he's not wrong! Not everyone likes roller skiing 😏

At Björsjön I took a break and filled my water bottle. The water here was really clear and nice, but I made it into ice tea anyway because I really wanted some of that (I'm carrying ice tea powder).

Not much more of interest happened today. I talked more with Lukas and spent over an hour in a telephone queue. Finally I arrived at the goal for today, and luckily I found a spot where I could pitch my tent - I didn't feel like sleeping in the shelter with the spiders today either.


Distance: 31.5 km

Start time: 11:09

End time: 19:27

Ascent: 325 m

Descent: 231 m

Snickers eaten: 1

Totals (from Grövelsjön)

Distance: 755.0 km

Ascent: 10,415 m

Descent: 11,032 m

Tent nights: 10

Shelter nights: 5

Ice cream eaten: 12

Snickers eaten: 26

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 2,187.2 km

Ascent: 43,542 m

Descent: 43,606 m

Tent nights: 52/97

Snickers eaten: 69

Ice cream eaten: 35

Leaving Monalie & Lars’ place.

Leaving Monalie & Lars’ place.

Some curious cows!

Some curious cows!

When you find lake water as clear as tap water ✨

When you find lake water as clear as tap water

Another evening walk.

Another evening walk.


TS Day 98


TS Day 96