TS Day 99-100
TS Day 99-100
Saturday 16 October 2021 - Sunday 17 October 2021
Sleeping inside again was great! First time ever on this hike I slept in a GREAT bed as well, almost like the one at home! We woke up early (for a rest day) and watched the dawn and lake Vättern through our bedroom window. We then got up, had a nice breakfast and waited for my parents to come and join. And waited. And waited... Some time after 10 AM, Lukas went to the tiny store in Brandstorp 5 mins away to get a few more things. When he came back we ate some more before I went to shower my hair. Around that time, my parents finally got up and joined us for a short time. I wasn't up for doing anything today - my feet still hurt, so Lukas and I stayed in the house while my parents brought Uma to go on a geocaching-walk. Meanwhile, Lukas and I was chilling on the couch, having snacks and I did some journaling while he played phone games and did some practical stuff around the house. Laaaate in the evening, when I had started feeling like I wanted to go to bed, my parents finally came back home. We made dinner, ate and then I wanted nothing than to go to bed, but the washing refused to dry! Finally I decided to give up and go to bed anyway...
The Sunday morning went like usual - we got up, had breakfast, packed and then set off. My dad drove us back to where Lukas had picked me up this Friday. We took a geocache together near the pick-up/drop-off spot, then he drove back to clean the house and geocache some more while Lukas, Uma and my mum joined me today. Hiking today went well, and fast. I realised I haven't walked this fast in a really long time. Probably because I've felt very tired both mentally and physically lately. I just want this hike over with by now!
It went well, until the trail became a path instead of a forest road. It got tougher, a bit more wet, and after a while we got some problem, which I was in no mood to deal with. North of Furusjö, the Via Suecia goes through Tålåsen, and I realised there is no road or even path there on the map, so we had to take another route. So we went further along Västra Vätternleden, and planned to take a forest road there because it was on the map. We didn't see it when we got there though, which meant we had to continue along the trail some more before going out on the road. All of this turned into a several km long detour. It was getting late, Lukas wanted to go home at 3 PM so he wouldn't get home so late but it was already past that. But finally, we reached the road and my dad came to pick them up. We had another emotional goodbye, I tried my best not to tear up while they tried to cheer me on. They also gave me food and stuff so I didn't need to go to the store tonight in Mullsjö. Then they had to leave.
Walking alone went slow and felt boring, but I was happy I was going to reach a place where I was going to sleep inside for the night. Just south of Anderstorp I reached a cow pasture. Or bull pasture? It was hard to tell, but I thought some of them looked like bulls. So I decided not to take the route through their pasture. Instead, I follow V Vätternleden again.
Finally, I reached Mullsjö Folkhögskola where I was going to sleep for the night. I cooked dinner, which turned out okay despite not having any seasoning at all except salt, washed the dishes, went out to grab a geocache nearby and take a shower. It was reeeeaaally nice. The idea was then to do some journaling before charging my phone. This didn't turn out as I had expected... But more on this tomorrow.
Distance: 33.5 km
Start time: 09:54
End time: 18:03
Ascent: 425 m
Descent: 439 m
Snickers eaten: 2
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 825.2 km
Ascent: 11,348 m
Descent: 11,921 m
Tent nights: 10
Shelter nights: 5
Ice cream eaten: 12
Snickers eaten: 31
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 2,223.9 km
Ascent: 44,475 m
Descent: 44,995 m
Tent nights: 52/100
Snickers eaten: 73
Ice cream eaten: 35
On Saturday we woke to a beautiful morning.
This was me basically all day 😂
5 kgs lighter than last week!
Everyone getting ready to leave.
I got company!
Hugs ❤️
Do you see the cows? Well, I didn’t either at first…
Golden Hour in Mullsjö.