Lukas & Kim

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1 year ago…

1 year ago, I wrote a post when I was hiking which popped up in my Facebook feed today. Considering how much I've been thinking about hiking recently, it's interesting to look back on.


That post was miserable and quite sad.

Isn't it strange how you can look back at a point in your life, where you were feeling worse than now and still miss it?

I suppose though, that it is not the misery that I miss and remember. Maybe, we just remember the good things and forget about the bad?

However, compared to when hiking, I have everything I would wish for then, and still am not satisfied. When I was hiking I mostly looked forward to resting, to food, having a roof over my head, warmth and meeting people. Now I have all of that.

So could it be that something else is missing?

The thing with hiking, at least for me, is that you have a clear goal, and every day you're getting closer to it. It's so simple - just one step in front of the other, over and over again. Also, the feeling of being completely free to do and go wherever you like is also amazing.

At the same time though, there are so many hardships, so many struggles. But hardships and struggles only mean that when it gets better, you appreciate it a whole lot more.

It's raining like hell and you have a roof over your head and you're in paradise. You calculated wrong and now you're out of food, but then you reach a store. You feel crazy lonely and then you meet another hiker and it makes your day. Such ordinary things can mean the world when you're hiking, while at home you take them for granted, or are even annoyed with them.

So in some twisted way, I enjoy the emotional rollercoaster that is hiking. Or at least, that's how I'm looking back at it now. When I'm there again, I'm sure I will have changed my mind once more.