GB Day 15
GB Day 15:
East of Nállu-Vuolimus Čuhčajávri
Via Nallo, Sälka
Saturday 24 July 2021
This morning everyone woke up a quarter to seven from a rockslide. Lukas put his head out from the tent and saw sand and smoke from the mountain side on the other side of the valley. A little while later, Viktor and Lukas was up, and another hiker passed them on the trail. It appeared to be the cabin host of Nallo! They had a nice conversation before it was time for him to move on and eat cake in Vistas.
We walked on to Nallo, where we paid some money and wrote a personal letter to the cabin host before sitting down to have a long nice scrambled eggs-breakfast inside.
Afterwards we continued to Sälka through Stuor Readdávággi. A valley that felt incredibly long and tough because the weather was grey, windy and rainy and the terrain was rocky and wet. Here Helena found out that she doesn't like stones. But finally we saw the Sälka cabins down below! Not long after, Lukas spotted a blue tent that looked just like Ismaël's tent. The closer we got, the more sure he became - but still very unsure. And when we was of hearing distantance, he tried calling out Ismaël's name. When we got a little bit closer, a head popped out from the tent. Ismaël!
Unfortunately there was water in between us, so we had to go around it all which took some time. But when we finally got there, Lukas was beyond excited and couldn't stop talking. We then sat down to eat lunch while Ismaël packed his tent. Before leaving, Helena and Kim went over to buy snacks and [skavsårsplåster] and also looked at flora and fauna in a book and talked to the cabin hosts. They seemed very nice, but we had to get going.
We talked a lot while walking the first 4 km or so, then, when turning off of Kungsleden, the weather and terrain got worse. It rained a lot, and the ground was really wet. But in the end we found a spot that looked fairly okay.
Favourite: Meeting up with Ismaël
Distance: 22.2 km
Start time: 8:40
End time: 19:43
Ascent: 474 m
Descent: 464 m
Snickers eaten: 1
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 293.2 km
Ascent: 6919 m
Descent: 6630 m
Tent nights: 12/15
Gröna Bandare spotted: 3
Snickers eaten: 11
Ice cream eaten: 1
Ismaël took a photo of the rest of us on the bridge towards Hukejaure.