GB Day 21

GB Day 21:


Via Låddejåhkå

Friday 30 July 2021

It's like we're getting more and more tired as the days go on. We fall asleep quicker, but sleep in more. But at least we're making a steady progress, still ahead of plan so that's good.

Today the weather was more like usual mountain weather. Cloudy, not too warm and not too cold, with a light breeze. Kim was very happy with this kind of weather. But as we started walking, and made our way up our first mountain side, it started raining. Unfortunately it was still quite warm for rain gear, so now we were wet from swett underneath our raining clothes, but it soon stopped anyway.

After the next ascent and descent, we reached Låddejåhkå, where we stopped to have lunch. We found some great picnic tables with a nice view. While Kim was away to go to the privy, the others had spoken a little bit with the cabin host. So after lunch, they had promised to write in the cabin journal, where you write your planned route, but forgot. So when we finally left, they remembered after we had walked a little bit, so Ismaël and Lukas ran back to write in the book, while Johannes and Kim continued. We soon passed a bridge over Låddejåhkå, a really cool river where the stones almost seemed to shine in different colours, and the water swirled and got stuck in holes inside the stone.

We then ascended and descended another mountain side, but before crossing the next river - Miellädno, the guys had decided to bathe again. But it was a lot of mosquitoes there, so we were soon off again. This time we ascended and descended a smaller mountain side before reaching Árasluokta. Here we used the privy and put up our tents, since Ismaël and Lukas had found a good and flat tent spot for us. We then made dinner outside together with the mosquitoes, but soon moved inside to eat because they were a little bit too much.


Favourite: Lunch at Låddejåhkå

Distance: 23.7 km

Start time: 10:47

End time: 20:21

Ascent: 754 m

Descent: 728 m

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 401.3 km

Ascent: 9088 m

Descent: 9042 m

Tent nights: 17/21

Gröna Bandare spotted: 8

Snickers eaten: 13

Ice cream eaten: 4

Lunch by Låddejåhkå

Lunch by Låddejåhkå

We found a grave beside the bathing spot!

We found a grave beside the bathing spot!


GB Day 22


GB Day 20