GB Day 30

GB Day 30:

REST DAY (ZERO DAY) in Jäckvik

Sunday 8 August 2021

Despite getting separate beds, it only took half the night until we were huddling together in the same bed. Apparently we also sleep better in our tent now than in beds...

We went up fairly early to wash the rest of the clothing, but had to wait several hours because the queue was long. Meantime, Kim took a shower and finally got to clean her hair properly again and give herself a scrub. Then we had a real big breakfast - nice bread with a lot of different toppings. Annelise, the girl sleeping on the loft, left in the morning so we had the entire house for ourselves, and it didn't take long until we had spread all of our things in the entire house. Some time later, Karro and Robban came by and we played cards, Memory and we also found a game called "När då då?" that we played several times. Both fun and educational!

We then went over to finish cleaning, sorting and repacking our packing. Lukas then did the dishes while Kim, Karro and Robban walked over to Ica again to buy food for tonight's feast, and some snacks for the coming days to Ammarnäs. We also video chatted with Lukas' family who had a crayfish party, and also Kim's family which was really nice.

Then we had to prepare the food. Tonight it was salad á la Kim with left-over vegetables from the taco, feta, olive oil, salt and lime juice, together with Peka's potato gratin and Ica's marinated pulled pork.

It didn't take long until we were all completely exhausted from all the eating.

During the afternoon and evening it also started arriving more people into the house, so we had to quickly find our things and move them into our room and into a corner to give the people some space. All of them walked Kungsleden from the south. Two girls were from Germany, one couple from Lund (Gustaf and Anna), and then a guy named Pontus they had "adopted" along the way - as they put it.

After having dinner, we of course needed some dessert again. This time we had "just ice cream". Salted caramel and vanilla with cloud berry. Gustaf and Anna also joined us playing "När då då?" and we had a lot of fun together.

Unfortunately, all of the fun has to come to an end at some point, and we all needed to get some sleep.

Today we had so much fun all day, that we not only forgot about time but also forgot to take pictures and to film.

So we took a quick photo just before midnight as we went to bed. Oh well!


Favourite: All the people!

Ice cream eaten: 2

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 576.9 km

Ascent: 13,253 m

Descent: 13,291 m

Tent nights: 24/30

Gröna Bandare spotted: 13

Snickers eaten: 20

Ice cream eaten: 9

Our only picture from today. Goodnight! 🌛

Our only picture from today. Goodnight! 🌛


GB Day 31


GB Day 29