GB Day 33

GB Day 33:

Vuorujuhka - Ammarnäs

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Today we woke up by the sound of someone walking on the trail. Then we heard a bellowing. It seemed to be some reindeer, quite close to the tent. We then fell asleep again, and woke to the alarm half past six, but none of us wanted to go up. Instead we snuggled together and snoozed until quarter to eight. We then got going, and by the first water source we passed, Lukas suggested we have breakfast. Kim wanted to walk further though. So we went over a ridge, and suddenly it was a lot more windy. The bridge we had initially planned for breakfast was also windy though, but we both wanted to eat by then, so we just huddled together on a little piece of grass in the middle of the creek and had our breakfast.

After walking a little longer we met a person from Belgium whom we talked to a little bit. He walked Kungsleden with a packraft that he would use to cross the lakes with.

Not much else of interest happened. There were a lot of ups and downs, a whole lot of mud at first, but after passing the county boundary, the terrain got better.

We also saw a lot of reindeer today. Some different ones, but some were probably the same as already seen as well.

At some point we also had a discussion about places and names of places we'd passed, and Lukas, as many times before, called a place by something entirely different, which caused Kim to have quite an extreme laugh attack.

Later, when Kungsleden turned away towards Rävfallsstugan, we instead continued straight. Basically we first followed an ATV path, that turned into an ATV road, which then turned into a dirt road. This one we followed down to Höbäcken, where we had freeze-dried food for lunch, before reaching Ammarnäs, where the walking turned into roadwalking.

Here we decided to split up. Lukas went to Ammarnäs Livs so he would reach it before closing time, and Kim stopped twice along the way to look for geocaches. Both probably gone though.

One of them meant a little walk up the potato hill (Poatisbacken), that had an amazing view over the Ammarnäs delta, the cute red houses down below and the cows eating.

Kim took a few photos of the hill and "kåtastaden" that she went past and found by accident.

Lukas also passed the hill and took some photos.

We met at Ammarnäs Wärdshus, checked in and went over to the kitchen to prepare a pancake dinner, yum! Making the pancakes took a while, but daaaamn, it was worth it!

We then packed our things for the coming day, and took the moment to make use of having a shower and electricity.


Favourite: Pancake dinner!

Distance: 32.2 km

Start time: 08:35

End time: 18:21

Ascent: 500 m

Descent: 786 m

Snickers eaten: 1

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 660.8 km

Ascent: 15,076 m

Descent: 15,104 m

Tent nights: 25/33

Gröna Bandare spotted: 16

Snickers eaten: 24

Ice cream eaten: 9

Via Suecia-hikers spotted: 1/4

We passed into a new county!

We passed into a new county!

Go Åke! You can do it!

Go Åke! You can do it!

Ammarnäs potato hill (potatisbacken).

Ammarnäs potato hill (potatisbacken).

View from Potatisbacken.

View from Potatisbacken.

Selfie from the hill!

Selfie from the hill!


GB Day 34


GB Day 32