GB Day 53
GB Day 53:
Jänsmässholmen - East of Västsjön
Via Olden
Tuesday 31 August 2021
This morning we got to have hotel breakfast! 😍 Lukas got and up and got to the breakfast before everybody else. Having breakfast here was nice, and especially such since we had too little food... Lukas also spent some more time with the cute dogs that wanted to be pet and preferably get some food too.
We enjoyed being inside, and weren't particularly excited to get out and cross the "Hell bog" (Helvetesmyren). But we mentally prepared ourselves, since we've heard this section would be bad.
Finally we got out to cross the bog, and it didn't take long until Andreas had raced past us. Probably the last time we saw him too.
When we crossed the 4 km long bog we realised it wasn't as bad as we had imagined it to be. Sure, it was really wet, and some parts were hard because you had to stand on small pieces of grass in between muddy water, but soon we were across and after that it was just following dirt roads until we reached Olden. Originally we had planned to have lunch on the way to Olden, but we didn't find any good water sources after a while, so we decided to eat in Olden. When we reached the road, we tried to call the famous "Stig i Olden" to ask if we could come over just to talk and eat. Just as we did so, a car came rolling towards us, and guess whom it was.
It was Stig!
Just when we stood there and talked, he even gave us ice cream and offered us some juice. Then he got going as we decided to walk the 2 extra km to get there. When there, Stig talked a lot and offered us all kinds of food even though we had our own to prepare dinner. So we had both Tortellini with Carbonara, and sandwiches from Stig with aaaaall kinds of toppings. And as we were about to leave, he even insisted we bring some sandwiches with us! We tried to politely decline, but it was of course of no use. So we made sandwiches, and got going again with new energy!
It was quite windy, but in the end we managed to find a tent spot in the forest just beside the road where we didn't do much else than go to bed and sleep.
Favourite: Stig i Olden
Distance: 29.2 km
Start time: 11:30
End time: 20:12
Ascent: 293 m
Descent: 524 m
Ice cream eaten: 1
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 1,150.3 km
Ascent: 26,478 m
Descent: 26,491 m
Tent nights: 36/53
Gröna Bandare spotted: 23 + 2 🐶
Via Suecia-hikers spotted: 2/4
Snickers eaten: 35
Ice cream eaten: 20
We had company for breakfast.
Part of the “Hell Bog”.
Lots of walking om dirt roads today.
We met the famous “Stig i Olden”!