NPL Day 110

Day 110: Wednesday 4 October 2023

Snartemo-north of Gitlestein via Lyngdal

This morning we woke up in the shelter in the dark. Lukas was up before Kim barely had awakened - no surprise there, but we were both quite fast this morning and around sunrise we got going.

Road walk today again... After a few km we passed something that looked like a Naturum? Or maybe even was a Naturum? They had built something for the salmon there. We didn't stay long enough to have a look, and it also cost money to go down to the cave/tunnel to see the salmon ladder. We stopped there for a break anyway, and luckily they opened JUST as we arrived there, so we could use the bathroom.

A few hours later we passed a little store called Butikken. There we of course stopped to buy some snacks. Kim also bought a Billys, hoping it would thaw in time because she was really hungry.

Then we kept going towards Lyngdal. We passed a sign with "den lille chipsfabriken" but never saw a factory. We didn't think so much about that at the time though.

As we walked towards Lyngdal, Lukas picked some bottles and cans along the way to recycle in Lyngdal. We actually managed to get pretty much a full Joker shopping bag. Really sad that people throw so much trash in nature, but it felt good to do something good.

In Lyngdal we were tired and hungry - since Kim's Billys didn't thaw in time she decided to save it for tomorrow, so after recycling the bottles we went to Lukas thai restaurant that he wanted to eat at. We went inside and sat down, but then the workers showed up and told us that they only have take-away after a certain time. Really disappointing when it said online that they were open until late. Lukas had talked about his thai for days... Weeks even!

Kim suggested that he could buy something from the Thai wagon around the corner but it felt complicated, so we went to the restaurant beside the Thai restaurant - Jonas B. They had suuuuch nice food! Kim had a Ceaser Salad while Lukas had a burger. After eating we took a coffee and chocolate so we could sit there a bit longer, charging batteries and catching up on things to do. Now it was raining outside so we weren't very excited to get out, walk and put up our tent in the rain. It was a lot of rain too. But finally we left.

We went to the ATM to take out cash for the camping we had booked for our last day. We already had 50 NOK in cash so we withdrew 800 NOK, then continued.

While walking we first talked to Kim's parents, and then a bit with Lukas'. Kim had a lot of pain in her left foot, which was annoying. But it felt like we had a good pace and made a lot of progress, at least while we were talking on the phone with Kim's parents because then we didn't think so much about how we were walking. But when we had walked about 5 km and Kim saw an okay spot she asked if we could just stop there because she was tired and the spot was okay.

We just had 23 km left to Lindesnes so we would have plenty of time to finish while it would still be daylight.

The ground was really wet from all the rain, and it was a bit tricky to pitch the tent, but we managed. When we finally crawled into the tent we pretty much immediately just got ready to sleep. Both of us were so tired.


Distance: 34.02 km

Start time: 08:51

End time: 21:02

Ascent: 341 m

Descent: 273 m

Tent: 63/111


NPL Day 111


NPL Day 109