NPL Day 28 & GB Day 4
Day 28: Friday 14 July 2023
Dividalshytta-North of Doaresoaivi via Vuomahytta
Today we slept until quite late, and had breakfast inside. After cleaning the hut Kim looked for the geocache which were supposed to be in the vicinity of the hut, but couldn't find it. The weather when we started today was cloudy with a little bit of wind. Actually very nice weather. We had some nice topics to talk about and soon we passed a cool river with some waterfalls.
Then we met a very nice Finnish couple - Veera and Mikko, that we talked to for quite some time. They had hiked Kungsleden and were going to finish in Kilpisjärvi, and go home through Finland. We talked about a little bit of everything and clicked really well! We also discussed packing weights and that Veera had hiked PCT. Really cool!
Veera and Mikko!
Soon after that meeting, we passed some Norwegian fishermen. We said hello and asked about how it had been going and if they had caught a lot of fish, which they had.
Then we met Filip Cullin. The funny thing is that we thought we recognized him quite early on, but couldn't quite remember from where. As we came deeper and deeper into conversation (because this was our longest one so far) we found out that he did Gröna Bandet 2021, and finished together with Agnes the day before us! Such a funny coincidence to not meet other Gröna Bandare, but Gröna Bandare who hiked the same year as us 😄
Another Gröna Bandare from 2021 - Filip Cullin!
While talking 4 other fishermen passed us. We were also advices to not follow the wet and green trail but instead take the other way around Vuomavárri/Blåfjellet and walk off trail. There was supposed to be some paths there and some helpful cairns and were told that Filip took that route after being advices by some fishermen. So we decided to give it a try.
We kept going on an easy and fast trail towards a bridge, then we sat down to breathe a little on some benches nearby. It was not cloudy anymore but hot and sunny again.
But then it was time to try the other route. Up through the forest there was a path that we followed. It was steep and it was very, very warm. On the mountain the path divided into several paths. But it was actually quite well-walked and good paths to follow, it was just in some places it was harder.
The path around Vuomavárri/Blåfjellet was quite clear.
Kim was exhausted by the ascent, the insects and the warmth and even Lukas thought it was hard. Lots of small hills to pass by, but it felt better once we started going down towards the huts.
By the huts we had dinner outside which was really nice. We also peeked inside the hut since it was open. This was probably one of the more luxurious huts we had seen so far, with huge windows looking out on the lake and the mountains in the distance.
But we weren't done for the day, so we kept going some more. It was quite easy to walk, the air was fresh and light was nice. The air felt quite calm.
First we got attacked by some birds again, and then we saw reindeers. About the same size as the previous huge herd.
Finally we put up our tent by a little creek not far away from a waterfall, because the trail ahead looked like it would be very rocky.
By the tent we swabbed ourselves with warm water and Lukas flew the drone. Then we had a really cozy evening in the tent before going to sleep.
Distance: 25.36
Start time: 10:21
End time: 21:23
Ascent: 829 m
Descent: 531 m
Tent nights: 24/29