NPL Day 29 & GB Day 5
Day 29: Saturday 15 July 2023
North of Doaresoaivi-Salvvasjohka via Gaskashytta, Altevasshytta
Today when we woke up to the landscape being shrouded in thick fog. The reindeers were still around not far away from the tent, and we saw them as we kept going in the morning. It was good that we put up our tent where we did because the trail was soon just rocks, rocks and more rocks.
It wasn't too bad at first, the first km were quite pleasant, but as we came closer to the hut it got tougher and tougher as we got more tired and hungry.
At breakfast we met a German girl who was hiking from Sulitjelma to the North Cape. We didn't talk much but she was always close to a laugh.
We rested for quite some time and also wrote to Alexandra who is running Gröna Bandet and was close by.
We didn't go very far before we met her on the trail and we soon sat us down to talk, and we talked and talked and talked... About everything from Gröna Bandet, to running, to hiking, to our experiences along the trail, to our packs, to work and life at home...
Today we met Alexandra, who is running Gröna Bandet this year.
When we finally continued the terrain was easy and we made progress fast. We walked through a forest where a whole family of ptarmigans flew away just in front of us, and the baby chicks were so cute!
Soon we reached Altevass/Innset where we saw a motorcross and a helicopter, and found a geocache.
Then we came to Altevasshytta where we sat down by s bench outside and had dinner and internet. We researched our options for our rest day in Katterjåkk/Riksgränsen.
When we continued we walked along a road for quite some time and made fast progress. It then turned into an ATV track and later a nice trail. The evening light was really pretty and peaceful, and the air was calm.
Before putting up our tent we crossed a cold river, then it was time to sleep.
Distance: 32.99 km
Start time: 09:07
End time: 22:55
Ascent: 764 m
Descent: 890 m
Tent nights: 25/30