NPL Day 54 & GB Day 30

Day 54: Wednesday 9 August 2023


Today we woke up early by the light, packed our bags and enjoyed wifi and food while waiting for the winds to calm a bit. At 13 the winds had calmed enough that we thought we could cross the next mountain and reach the next valley, so we said thanks and goodbye to Gunder and his wife.

We started with a few km of road walking, then quite a nice trail, mostly in the forest and just a short part that was in the mountain. After crossing the mountain and almost reaching the next road, we met Frida, who is also hiking Norge på langs. She was eating, so we sat down for a bit and talked to her until she had to continue. Got a tip of how we could walk through Børgefjell that we thought a lot about.

We enjoyed a nice forest path and Kim had thought about the forests back home, missing them. By now we were a bit tired of wet mountain forests.

Today was also the first day we found fresh wild raspberries! 🥰😋

In the early evening we reached the old Sami farm and camped there, because it was the only flat enough space we could find. Here we again enjoyed some phone reception, food and snacks, washed ourselves etc, and prepared ourselves for an early morning tomorrow.


Distance: 15.64 km

Start time: 12:53

End time: 17:33

Ascent: 446 m

Descent: 635 m

Tent nights: 38/55


NPL Day 55 & GB Day 31


NPL Day 53 & GB Day 29