NPL Day 55 & GB Day 31

Day 55: Thursday 10 August 2023


The alarm went off at 5 but we were so tired that we slept for one more hour. We were not very excited about the steep hill that was going about 700 m straight up, but when we passed the steepest point we didn't think the hill was too bad and we sat down for some breakfast. Kim picked blueberries and had them together with the breakfast 🫐

The trail was really good from here and the weather too, at least for 10 km. After that, north of Olleken and all the way to lake Daningen, the trail was bad. It was hard to see/follow, badly marked and the route choice

was neither following the elevation nor taking the shortest/easiest route through the downy willow.

Finally after some time we reached the funny boat bridge that we had heard about across Daningen! It was a rope crossing the water in a loop that was attached to a small boat so you can pull yourself over the water and bring the boat to your side if it is on the wrong side.

Lukas helped Kim over first, since the boat could only fit one person. Then Lukas pulled himself across. But just as he stepped out of the boat he realized that he forgot his trekking poles... So he quickly went back to grab them.

The terrain was still full of downy willow which we hate...

We met a couple out hiking, then some rain came. But just a few minutes later the sun came back again.

We reached a gravel road that took us 6 km west, to the entrance to Børgefjell. Here we met a nice couple that had been out picking mushrooms.

We started to walk up the mountain in some rain, here we met some lonely people but we just said hi. In the evening after pitching our tent, some sun came and Lukas took a swim and Kim made nice food 😍


Distance: 31.45 km

Start time: 07:19

End time: 19:13

Ascent: 1 304 m

Descent: 922 m

Tent nights: 39/56

Lukas' swims: 1


NPL Day 56 & GB Day 32


NPL Day 54 & GB Day 30