Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 61 & GB Day 37

Day 61: Wednesday 16 August 2023

South of Skardfjellvatnet-Heia

This morning we were tired, and it was hard to get up, but Kim got up first today!

The day continued much like the day before had ended, and we followed some really old, vague trail markings. But 3 km from the road, we descended into the forest, and here they were better, newer.

While on the road, Lukas talked to several friends and family members while Kim was surfing and geocaching. We stopped a few times for breaks, especially where there were caches, so that Lukas could rest while Kim looked for them.

After 26 km we stopped by some tables with signs about Blåfjella/Skjækerfjella and had dinner. Then we continued, and it felt like the road would never stop. But finally, after about 10 km, we reached E6. This meant we were close to our goal for the day, and we were aiming to get there before nine, because then they were closing the restaurant.

Just before reaching E6 we hike on a nice old forest road, and Kim sees a beautiful fox running across the road.

We had to endure 3 km along E6, then we came to Heia Gjestegård. Here we had some food (pancakes and kjøttkaker) and also got a cabin to sleep in overnight.


Distance: 41.22 km

Start time: 08:52

End time: 20:30

Ascent: 377 m

Descent: 830 m

Tent nights: 42/62