NPL Day 67 & GB Day 43

Day 67: Tuesday 22 August 2023

Ferslia-Bjørneggen via Meråker

Today we walked along the cozy gravel road together with a lot of sheep and some cows. There where many beautiful cabins and a beautiful farm along the road. Time passed by quickly when we were following an easy road. We also made some phone calls and talked to some family.

All of a sudden we arrived in Meråker - a nice city in a valley. We walked straight to the gas station, Best Meråker, because we wanted that pizza we couldn't get yesterday. Lukas thought the first half of the pizza was really good, but the rest of the pizza was a lot harder to eat, and it didn't get easier when the pizza got cold. Kim thought it was an unusually nice pizza though, because generally she doesn't like American pizza so much, she prefers Italian pizza. But this one was okay, and she had to sit and wait for Lukas to finish.

After eating we bought some food for the upcoming two days at Rema 1000. They had everything we needed but no Pringles. But Kim had seen Pringles at the gas station so before we left, Kim ran over there to buy some.

From here there was some altitude to gain. We were really warm but after researching more about the hut we wanted to reach we didn't bother that we got soaked in sweat. The hut had sauna and showers! Proper showers!

While hiking towards the hut we didn't eat any snacks at all, after all the pizza both of us were so full we felt like we would puke while hiking.

The road from Meråker to Bjørneggen was an old road built by Stor-Martin. A very cozy road over wetlands and through forests with sheep everywhere. We also passed a lot of interesting signs with history and explanation of names. After 13 km the road ended by a river... The bridge across was gone..

Luckily we could pass a smaller river then walk in the forest to another bridge that took us over the water. Now we only had 2 km left to the hut and we were really excited.

When we reached the place we couldn't believe our eyes. It was so big! Not the cozy fjell hut feeling but really newly built and fresh. We immediately started the sauna and took a shower. After that we sat down in the sofa, ate mudcake and drank tea 🍵


Distance: 41.24 km

Start time: 08:21

End time: 20:11

Ascent: 755 m

Descent: 630 m

Tent: 45/68


NPL Day 68 & GB Day 44


NPL Day 66 & GB Day 42