NPL Day 68 & GB Day 44

Day 68: Wednesday 23 August 2023

Bjørneggen-Røvollen via Gilså Gruve

It was so nice to sleep in this morning. Then we had a cozy breakfast and ate mudcake 😋 Later when Lukas had an extra look at the map he realized that we would have to walk 3.7 km extra because a bridge was missing. We cleaned the "mansion" then sat outside in the nice weather while Kim finished some blog posts, before heading back the way we came from yesterday. But the trail was super nice and the sun was shining. We talked and had a nice walk. Kim didn't allow Lukas to walk in front of her because he smelled so bad 😂 The smell came from his backpack - the hardest thing to clean while on trail.

We passed an old mine and Lukas called his mum while Kim looked for a geocache. After this, the previously so cozy old forest road that we had followed up on the mountain turned into another bog. But not too long after, we reached a road. We continued along it for a little bit then sat down to eat pizza. We also met some locals that we talked to before continuing. We were expecting rain and thunder today but only a few drops hit us. All around us we could see rain and dark clouds. Finally we had to pitch our tent, but we couldn't find any good spots, so we ended up pitching our tent in a gravel pit. Still no rain even if we were promised heavy rain showers... We were not complaining! Later, as we were about to sleep, some rain finally came.


Distance: 28.14 km

Start time: 12:15

End time: 20:07

Ascent: 544 m

Descent: 602 m

Tent: 46/69


NPL Day 69 & GB Day 45


NPL Day 67 & GB Day 43