NPL Day 70 & GB Day 46

Day 70: Friday 25 August 2023


We sat the alarm a little bit later this morning, and enjoyed a cozy morning with some sunshine. The tent was super wet because of condensation. Lukas got up and went to Simon and ate some breakfast with him. Later, Kim came and also ate some.

We said goodbye and said that we might camp close to the road again this evening, so Simon could join if he wanted to. Kim started to hike barefoot the first kilometers, to get some "foot massage" because we had been hiking so far on hard roads, and this was a short section along a forest road. There, we met some older people out on a walk and talked a little bit with them.

Then the never ending road started. Not a very big road but still some traffic because the main road is under maintenance. We called Lukas mun and talked about the upcoming family meetup.

After a long day with a few breaks, we left the asphalt road. We were now following a cozy shielding road where we again walked a little bit barefoot (to stay dry where the road was wet).

We passed some beautiful shieldings and arrived at the planned camp spot close to the main road. Not short after we had pitched our tent, Simon arrived 🥰 We all sat in his car avoiding the rain and ate some food, talked and listened to music.


Distance: 26.31 km

Start time: 11:29

End time: 18:26

Ascent: 252 m

Descent: 410 m

Tent: 48/71


NPL Day 71 & GB Day 47


NPL Day 69 & GB Day 45