Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 72 & GB Day 48

Day 72: Sunday 27 August 2023

Ljøsnåvola-south of Røvoltjønnan via Muggsjølia, Røvollen

Before we went to sleep yesterday, Lukas saw that there will be gust winds early in the morning. So we decided to set an early alarm for today and get going early. Lukas woke up before the alarm and the winds were strong but luckily the pitch was really good so the tent stood up fine in the wind.

Before 7 we were on our way. Not long after we got going, more rain came, and blew right in our faces. We reached Muggsjølia after a bit more than an hour and knocked at the door where we knew Merethe stayed. We had been writing with her on Instagram previously. She was still asleep so her dog, Gnist, welcomed us at the door.

We sat down in the small hut and talked while we ate breakfast. She holds the record of the heaviest backpack we have seen among those we have met hiking Norge på langs. Only one other person has been close. But she will also be out hiking for a whole year (June to June). We took some pictures but then had to get going because it had already been almost two hours in the hut.

As we got going, rain came again just as we were about to leave. But it followed Merethe, and like five minutes later after going separate ways, the sun was shining ☀️

First we had said to ourselves that stones on the trail like this were not a problem for us, but after some hours of walking, both of us changed our minds about that...

Some slow hours later we arrived at Røvollen and we both had to run to the toilet 😂 While there we also talked to an American couple and a German guy. Then we had to continue before it got too late. The last bit we hiked in rain and wind and when we decided to camp we couldn't find any good tent spots. But we did the best of the situation and managed to get the tent up fairly okay anyway even if we weren't in the best mood and had lots of miscommunication and such. But we managed! Then we made some dinner and spent our 50th tent night together for this hike.


Distance: 28.33 km

Start time: 07:15

End time: 19:20

Ascent: 447 m

Descent: 470 m

Tent: 50/73