NPL Day 93
Day 93: Sunday 17 September 2023
Sulebu-Bjordalsbu via Ulvehaugen, Skarvheim
Lukas had put his phone on the other side of the room so when the alarm went off this morning, he really had to get up!
Kim was tired as always and was a little bit slower. But we still managed to get going early, and when we closed the door to the hut the sun rose over the mountain. it was so beautiful with the sun shining over the frosty landscape.
We took beautiful footage with the drone in the sunrise, and everything seemed perfect until we came to a sea of rocks... With the frosty layer on top they were super slippery and really dangerous.
We made slow, veeeery slow progress and tried to walk faster during the few moments when we had less rocks... Well, at least we had great weather!
We looked at the map and saw that there was a small gravel road that went from a dam down to the road that we will pass further south, by Skarvheim/Breistølen. Walking the road would be something like 2 km longer but without slippery rocks! It was an easy decision for us.
The road was great, and we saw a lot of reindeer. Some super cute ones that had white spots!
Along the road we met some people that we stopped to talk to and they were really impressed with our hike and wished us good luck.
The dirt road led us out on a bigger road. It had quite a lot of traffic, and most of them didn't slow down at all, like we didn't exist.
But after 93 days on trails with rocks and mud and other uneven or slippery surfaces, Lukas managed to twist his ankle a little bit on the side of the road. At first he was scared that it was bad but it was just a little bit sore when he put the foot in the wrong way.
In Skarvheim we took a break bought hot chocolate and wrote in the Hyttebok.
Then it was time to continue. We passed a fence warning about Chronic Wasting Disease and then continued up, up in the valley. The terrain was good, but Kim was very tired from all the walking uphill. We took a short cut over some water, then reached the trail again. Now we reached more rocks. And they never seemed to end either. Up and down we went too, it was getting colder and the sun was about to set.
We climbed a hill and now saw where tomorrow's bad weather would come from. There we saw some clouds - the rest of the sky was clear.
After what felt like an eternity, we reached the hut. We met Mari there and talked a little, but Kim found it hard to socialize when she was so tired. Lukas made food and Kim thought about the upcoming days and what to do with the bad weather. Mari said she was going to stay here in Bjordalsbu and wait it out. We didn't know what to do, so we said that we would decide the day after. Kim was really tired, and so, we went to bed and quickly fell asleep.
Distance: 35.83 km
Start time: 07:20
End time: 19:44
Ascent: 1200 m
Descent: 969 m
Tent: 56/94