TA Day 67

TA Day 67: Sunday 23 February 2025

Waikanae - Boilles Flat

We weren't too excited about getting up early and start hiking. But the road section was fast end easy, so that was good. We quickly reached the start of the trail where we sat down for a break. Then, when we filmed with the GoPro, Lukas managed to step in dog poo 😭 He felt so humiliated!

But being back on trail again felt really good. Kim was now carrying more weight than Lukas because he has had a weird pain in his back since Wellington. As we continued, we met another SOBO! Actually second one today as we had met one on the road, but this time we remembered to give away one of our Snapper cards. We bought Snapper cards because it's cheaper to travel around in the Wellington area with them, but they cost 10 NZD to buy so it felt very wasted to just throw them afterwards. But she seemed happy to get one so that was good!

We continued, and then from nowhere we saw a backpack and behind that a person that we recognized. It was Lulu! So nice to see a familiar face again. We caught up with Jules just after. We then hiked together for the rest of the day which was sooo nice.

In the evening we reached a campsite and parking lot, and here we decided to camp instead of continuing to the hut. A good choice as we were close to the river and also toilets with running water. But Lulu and Jules continued the 300 m to the hut.

We went for a swim together and just enjoyed life on trail. Maybe there won't be many more opportunities like this further north!? And being back in our tent felt great.


Distance: 26.28 km

Ascent: 1113 m

Descent: 1046 m

Tent nights: 41/67

Weather: Sunny with some clouds


TA Day 68


TA Day 66